Monday, June 11, 2007


Well this Friday I got home from school at 10:00 the reason was because my cousin was getting married. So when I got home and when on the computer to post a comment on Proverb of the Day and after I read the Proverb I posted. And then went up to the top of the website and went to the songs and started to listen the all of the songs that Ty wrote and i came across one called "All my Heart" and I sat there and listen to it like a hundred times. And then we got in the car and went up to the wedding in Pas Robles and on the day of the wedding one thing that I noticed was that the entire wedding was based on Christianity. So when the Pastor was marring them he opened the bible and started reading from 1 Corinthians 13 and talked about love. The thing that went straight to my head was that song that Ty wrote. One thing that I think that makes it so important is that two different people are telling us this. I think that God keeps putting this in my life because I need to have more love for the people in my life.


brandy said...

wow i really liked that post, yea matt and i are always listening to that song when we are at home in the car at never ends. i also agree that the Lord places things in our lives for a reason and that is cool that you noticed it as well.

brandy said...

This is matthew crane, my sister did not want me to log out of her blog acount so sorry for it saying brandy, but yea, it is me, Matt!

Boomer, great blog, I agree with what you said, how God keeps putting Love in your life so that you will love others more, it is such a great thing to see you grow as a Christian towards our Loving father Christ. Hopefully we can still hold eachother acountable to sin and keep us walking the path of life, keep it up!

Sarah said...

Nice Blog! I love that song, I always listen to it before I go to bed, it directs my thoughts in the right direction before I fall asleep. Our God is so awesome, he puts things in our lives just at the right time. It is pretty cool your becoming a regular on Provreb of the Day. I can't wait to see more blogs and comments.

<3 Sarah

♫ DB ♫ said...

Wow, I can't believe I haven't see this post yet....

I love that song as well. I listen to it all of the time and its really a good song to wake up to and go to bed to. Nice blog Boomer
