Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stayin' Humble

Hey i just wanted to write this blog to you because i think that we go though out the day way to much not thinking about God and what he has done for us and given to us. Lately i have been thinking that i am so high, mighty and such a Godly person but it hit me that i am not just fooling myself but i am saying that i don't need God. But MAN am i WRONG or what. We need to stay humble and know that we are sinners and should be in hell but by the grace of Jesus he saved us from the pit of hell. I also think that some of us think that we are better than other people walking around our school just because we are Christians but we are all sinners and need Christ to redeem us from our sin and that is why we need to stay humble because we are nothing without him. In the bible it says that we are to be humble servants for the Lord and that is our only purpose in life is to further the Kingdom of the Lord. So i think that this week we need to serve someone in some little way.


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Anonymous said...

Your right, we need to stay humble, if we don't trust me God will humble us himself. Jesus humbled himself so much that he died for our sin on the cross, Our Savior was beaten, stripped, and laughed at. If we can just remind ourselves before we point our finger at others, we are no better, JUST FORGIVEN, We all fall short everyday. And its only by the Grace of God that anyone of us can stand.