Friday, November 30, 2007

Time Management

Now that football season is over now I can get back to more of my activities. But still on of the most important things is time management because it is hard to balance sports, school and most importantly God. I have been doing great with balancing school and sports. But for some reason even though I am reading my bible and giving that 20 min. out of my day that I have. I just fell like I am not spending enough time with God during the day. So i was just wondering if any of you had some ideas to help me find a way to getting more God in my life?


Grace is everything! Waking up each and every day, being in a country that we are able to have our own beliefs, being able to go to church, having family that provides for you, having great leaders to teach us about the bible and what it is saying, having Christian friends that you can fellowship with, having good health, and having a relationship with God. These are just some of the things that given to us by grace.Lately I think that I have been taking most of these things for granted but reading my bible lately has shown me that all these things can be taken away at any given moment. I just thought that I would blog about something that is brought up over 130 times in the bible and that has been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit that I need to not take things for granted.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Thanks True North!

I just wanted to thank Bobby, Ty and the High School ministry this year because I have grown so much. This year has been a real change going from private school with 600 students to Aliso with 3,000. In the beginning everybody told me stay in the word to help keep me out of all of the worldly things. But If you guys weren't there to help strengthen me and get me into the word I would not be growing in the Lord as much as I have been in the past months. So I just wanted to thank all of you for helping me grow in the Lord and Proclaim my Faith with out FEAR!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Friend Curren

I as a christian think that listening to non-christian music is OK. Well my two accountability partners Matt and Dillon ( when they were my partners) told me no just to listen to christian music but to try better. But there was just a little problem I like rap and there is not that much christian rap. Well one day at small groups we were talking about christian rap and Curren told me some artists like Flame, Lecrae, Tedashii and Trip Lee. So when I got home that night I went on iTunes and looked at all of these artists and bought all their Cd's. For the past month all of the music that I have been listening to is Christian rap. So I just wanted to write a thanks to Matt and Dillon for helping me understand and to Curren for showing me some great artists in the field of Christian rap.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Well this Friday I got home from school at 10:00 the reason was because my cousin was getting married. So when I got home and when on the computer to post a comment on Proverb of the Day and after I read the Proverb I posted. And then went up to the top of the website and went to the songs and started to listen the all of the songs that Ty wrote and i came across one called "All my Heart" and I sat there and listen to it like a hundred times. And then we got in the car and went up to the wedding in Pas Robles and on the day of the wedding one thing that I noticed was that the entire wedding was based on Christianity. So when the Pastor was marring them he opened the bible and started reading from 1 Corinthians 13 and talked about love. The thing that went straight to my head was that song that Ty wrote. One thing that I think that makes it so important is that two different people are telling us this. I think that God keeps putting this in my life because I need to have more love for the people in my life.